Oh, Dead Relatives, Please Help Me Win the Lottery

With the Mega Millions having a pretty big jackpot, I decided to buy a ticket.

Dead relatives help win the lottery!I believe, though, that I have come up with a failsafe plan to win the jackpot – I’m enlisting the help of my dead relatives. I’ve already talked to my parents and my grandparents. Okay, maybe “talked” is kind of a stretch, but I did talk “into the air,” letting know how I am worthy to win such a jackpot, and if they aren’t busy, if they could look at the numbers on my ticket and make sure those balls pop out of the big ball. I also decided, because they didn’t answer back, that maybe my immediate family might be busy. Making sure to cover all bases, I’ve also chit-chatted with other folks in my family. I believe I have covered all bases, so don’t be surprised when you start seeing my songs from a beach instead of in my car.

If you want to win the lottery of songs, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

It’s Tough Being a Cleveland Browns and Chicago Bears Fan

Who is your favorite football team?

For me, I have, like, the double whammy of loserdome when it comes to football. Having originally been from the North Coast of Ohio, I am a born and bred Cleveland Browns fan. Yup, there isn’t really a whole hell of a lot to cheer for, but I do.

Sadly for me, my arrival in Chicago wasn’t until 1985, so at that time I didn’t really care for the Chicago Bears until a few years later. I missed being a Bears fan during the glory years, although they did have a glimmer of hope getting to the playoffs and Super Bowl, but can never seal the deal.

And so I had a little bit of hope during week one of the football season. Somehow the Browns caught up to the Steelers, and then blow it in overtime. I guess I could say I was happy because they didn’t lose, but really, a tie?

Then came the Bears, looking solid, actually winning, but then collapsing in what is becoming typical Bears fashion.

So, my first week of football ended up with two losses. Crap. I suppose there is always week two.

If you are ready for some football, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

My Labor Day Weekend

Yea, I know Labor Day has come and gone, but my first assignment for grade school this year was “What I did over my Labor Day Weekend.”

Craftsman riding lawn mower with Briggs & Stratton engine
My 20+ year old riding lawn mower. “The Beast”

So, here it is, come along for a ride on “The Beast” around our yard, and watch me mow the lawn and sing!

If you like grass, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Watching the Wind

This goes along in the “I’ll sing about anything” category.

Yup, I was at a loss for a song, and sure enough, some wind gave me inspiration!

Enjoy the wind!

If you want to get blown around, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

On A Boat

Where would you rather be on a Friday, going to work or on a boat?

For me, with summer winding down here in Chicago, and my listening to a lot of Kenny Chesney lately, I keep thinking about our trip to Italy earlier this year, and even though the weather was crappy, it was still great being on a boat.

I don’t see many other boat opportunities happening this year, but wow, that is really where I’d rather be than going to work.

If you want to be on a boat, my songs might just take you there! Subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Look at That Nose

I am still self-conscious about my nose being so red from the Impetigo.

Granted most people don’t seem to care, but in my head, I hear them saying “Dang, that’s a red nose!

Honestly, does it look that bad?

If you want more songs about my ailments, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Don’t Pick That Zit

There it was, a little zit on my nose, and I picked at it. The next morning things got a little more red, and by the evening my nose exploded.

Fine, it didn’t really explode, but I’ve never seen anything get so gross so fast.

I ended up at immediate care, and the funny doc, who actually made a “Rudolph” joke, said it was Impetigo, something mostly youngins get, and now my nose is gross.

I thought I would share the grossness with you!

If you are looking for more grossness in songs, maybe you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Chubby Chin

Chubby chin? My inspiration for songs comes from a variety of sources.

Chubby Chin!On this particular morning I was trying to sing a serious song. I gave it two shots, but both sucked and were going nowhere. Okay, fine, a lot of my songs go nowhere, but these were particularly, “I can’t text these to my wife!”

Then I looked down, saw my chubby chin, and this song was born.

I’m weird.

If you are weird, you might want to subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Grease Spots on My Belly

Grease Spots on My Belly
Grease Spots on My Belly

First, the problem came when my local Starbucks didn’t have the breakfast sandwich I ordered. They offered to replace it with any other sandwich, so I picked the most expensive.

Second, I was hungry and didn’t want to wait until I got to work to eat said breakfast sandwich.

I tried to be careful, but alas, I got to work, looked down, and this song was born.

So, be careful if eating your breakfast sandwich in the car!

If you like to eat in the car, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Wake Up and Wonder

What day of the week do you think it is?

For me, coupled with Tuesday’s song about Wednesday being a crappy day for a holiday, I woke up this morning convinced it was Monday.

It was so bad this morning that as I was singing I almost dropped an s-bomb!

Yup, the one day off completely reset me week clock, and even as I post this around noon, tomorrow does not feel like it will be Friday. Ugh!

If you want help knowing what day it is, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!