Some Love Songs

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – March 11, 2018
For the most recent songs head to
👉 Songs By Andy on YouTube! 👈

Yea, I might have to up my singing game as lately the love songs to my wife have been, well, less than stellar.

She rightly let me know my work isn’t up to my high standards, so expect a much better song for an upcoming “Love Song Thursday” than this batch of “I don’t know what the heck these are” songs.

If you like weird love songs then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

I Found Out What She’s Doing Now

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – January 20, 2017
For the most recent songs head to
👉 Songs By Andy on YouTube! 👈

The other day I was thinking about the Garth Brook’s song “What She’s Doing Now.”

Nowadays it’s pretty easy to find out thanks to the internet and things like Facebook.

Sure, she might still be tearing the guy’s heart apart in the song, but he would at least be able to find out if she lives in Boulder.

Thanks Facebook!

If you have ever stalked someone on the internet then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Lightning Strike

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – May 2, 2016
For the most recent songs head to
👉 Songs By Andy on YouTube! 👈

The payoff for this song, which is actually a love song, comes near the end. Wait for it.

Okay, it’s a lightning strike. Watch the song, anyway.

If you like lightning, or love, then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Hearts in His Eyes

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – February 6 2020
For the most recent songs head to
👉 Songs By Andy on YouTube! 👈

It’s “Love Song Thursday,” so here’s another love song for my wife.

Let’s just say that a lot of my texts to her include the “Hearts in my eyes” emoji.

If you have hearts in your eyes for someone then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

I Got a Lot

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – August 3, 2017
For the most recent songs head to
👉 Songs By Andy on YouTube! 👈

I woke up this morning and realized that my life doesn’t really suck.

Yup, I’ve got a lot, including a good woman who loves me. Yay!

If you have a lot or a little then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

The One Thing I Know In This World

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – March 31, 2017
For the most recent songs head to
👉 Songs By Andy on YouTube! 👈

My wife asked me about something on the news, and I had no answer.

I told her I didn’t know the answer to her question. So, I may not know everything, but I do know one thing, for sure, in this world, and that is I really love that woman!

If you don’t know everything then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

She Met Him in the Park

Originally posted on my YouTube channel –May 11, 2017
For the most recent songs head to
👉 Songs By Andy on YouTube! 👈

I still remember the “date,” on a May afternoon, when I re-met the woman who would become my wife.

It was a reunion of sorts after not seeing each other for over 20 years, meeting on a bench in Millennium Park in Chicago. Turns out my starting the conversation with “I’m not looking for any relationships. I still like all of my stuff.” was completely wrong.

Turns out I liked her, and her stuff, much better.

If you like stuff then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

This Song Will Be Quick – I Gotta P$%p

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – January 24, 2020
For the most recent songs head to
👉 Songs By Andy on YouTube! 👈

I’m debating if this should really be a “Love Song Thursday” song. Oh, what the heck.

So, here you go, a song to get you excited about your weekend, and maybe be thankful that your significant other doesn’t sing you a song every day.

If you like love songs, even about poop, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

She’s Coming Home Today

My wife had to go away for work.

Both the dog and I just wandered around the homestead, lost, occasionally looking at the door wondering when she would walk through it.

Okay, Milo did more wandering and looking at the door than I did.

But, on the day I sang this song, she was on her way home. There was an excitement in the air that the family would be whole, again!

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – September 23, 2021

If you like when people come home then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

I’m So Happy That You Love Me

It’s love song day, or at least a day when I do a love song for my wife.

I’m a lucky man, I will admit, because this woman loves me even though, well, in the eyes of many, I’m not perfect.

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – March 1, 2018

If you have ever been in love then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!