My First Chicago Bears Game

Following our first Chicago Bears game last week, I’m going into a bit of withdrawal as it a bye week for the Bears. I mean, how do I keep up the excitement of the Bears win from last week?

I suppose for the next week I can just keep reliving my experience and keep watching and singing along to my song.

While you’re waiting for the Chicago Bears to return to the field, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Time to Rock – It’s Rocktober!

As I open this song, I sing it best, “I almost forgot that it’s Rocktober!” You know, it’s October, but every rock station, well, in the old days when there were rock stations, dubbed October, “Rocktober.”

Promotions took place, and people rocked. People don’t rock that much anymore, hence the downfall of the rock radio station, but I’m not forgetting.

At least for this song.

I’m sure by the next song, I’ll have forgotten all about RocktoberNo, but for now, I rock!

Now, I know that recently the Colorado Rockies have been trying to steal the magic of the phrase and claim “Rocktober” for their own. Good for them, they made the baseball playoffs, but we all know Rocktober isn’t about baseball, it’s about rocking!

If you like to rock, at least sometimes, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

The Aliens are Coming

The aliens are coming. The presidential alert will warn you!It took a little while, but I figured out why there is this Presidential Alert test. You know, the alert you get on your phone from the President saying “This is a test of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.” It has nothing to do with disaster preparedness, it has nothing to do with President Trump’s desire for world domination, it only has to do with the fact that the aliens are coming.

Yup, FEMA wants the President to be able to, when the aliens arrive, let us all know beings from another planet have arrived, and he is going to build a wall, or something, to keep them out. Okay, I made the “build a wall” thing up, but he is going to need to be able to tell us we are all doomed.

How did I come up with this hypothesis? Well, it was last month when there was a story about a solar observatory being suddenly evacuated. It made sense to no one to close it, and there was some weird “security threat” story. The FBI came in, there were supposedly helicopters, but no, real answer. Sure, after a week or so there was some crazy “child porn” excuse and denials of aliens, but in all honesty, for me, aliens seemed like a more likely reason.

Combine the story of the solar observatory closing with the NASA Rover, Curiosity, having problems, and weird lights around the International Space Station, and I’ve got the only plausible explanation for the timing of this FEMA/FCC test, allowing the presidential alert, and that is aliens.


So, enjoy the scary alert from President Trump, start building your bunker, and get ready because they are coming.

Before the aliens show up, though, you might want to subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook! for more alien updates, or at least more dorky songs!

Orion the Hunter has Returned

I love the constellation Orion. I also hate the constellation Orion. Also, what does Orion have to do with Australia?

Orion the HunterWell, the song explains the “Australia” part, but it all started the other morning while getting my morning paper (Yes, I actually get a newspaper delivered to my house.), I saw him, in the morning sky. Orion the Hunter was as clear as day, and I decided, “What the hell, let’s try to take a picture of the constellation.”

To my delight the picture came out, but not to my delight is the fact that Orion in the night sky, at least up north, signifies winter.

I’m not ready for winter. 😕

If you like stars, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Cutting Grass in the Rain

The grass needed cutting. I was hoping the rain would hold off until I was finished, but with about 10 minutes left to go the heavens opened up. Yup, a wet Andy decided to tough it out.

Along with toughing it out, what else is there to do when it starts raining, and you are mowing the lawn? Why, sing, of course!

For more songs while I’m riding the lawnmower, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Somedays Just Stop and Enjoy the Sun Rise

Save this song for future days when you just need to enjoy the sun rise up!

The sun rise over the horizon.Yup, the weekend is here, and maybe you are frantically trying to wrap things up, worried about getting to work, or just need a break. Do yourself a favor and stop and watch the sun rise up over the horizon, or, if it’s cloudy, or dark, or already up, go ahead and just watch my song.

If you like a sunrise, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

I Don’t Know the Way to San Jose

The other morning “Do You Know the Way to San Jose,” the Dionne Warwick classic, got into my head. I realized that I really didn’t know the way to San Jose, other than it was in California.

Of course, thoughts like that just lead me to sing a song about something as silly as not knowing the way to San Jose.

Might be time to pull out my atlas, but I’m not sure what closet I left that in. It’s easier, I suppose, to just pull out my phone.

If you know the way to San Jose, please subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook and let me know the way!

Oh, Dead Relatives, Please Help Me Win the Lottery

With the Mega Millions having a pretty big jackpot, I decided to buy a ticket.

Dead relatives help win the lottery!I believe, though, that I have come up with a failsafe plan to win the jackpot – I’m enlisting the help of my dead relatives. I’ve already talked to my parents and my grandparents. Okay, maybe “talked” is kind of a stretch, but I did talk “into the air,” letting know how I am worthy to win such a jackpot, and if they aren’t busy, if they could look at the numbers on my ticket and make sure those balls pop out of the big ball. I also decided, because they didn’t answer back, that maybe my immediate family might be busy. Making sure to cover all bases, I’ve also chit-chatted with other folks in my family. I believe I have covered all bases, so don’t be surprised when you start seeing my songs from a beach instead of in my car.

If you want to win the lottery of songs, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

It’s Tough Being a Cleveland Browns and Chicago Bears Fan

Who is your favorite football team?

For me, I have, like, the double whammy of loserdome when it comes to football. Having originally been from the North Coast of Ohio, I am a born and bred Cleveland Browns fan. Yup, there isn’t really a whole hell of a lot to cheer for, but I do.

Sadly for me, my arrival in Chicago wasn’t until 1985, so at that time I didn’t really care for the Chicago Bears until a few years later. I missed being a Bears fan during the glory years, although they did have a glimmer of hope getting to the playoffs and Super Bowl, but can never seal the deal.

And so I had a little bit of hope during week one of the football season. Somehow the Browns caught up to the Steelers, and then blow it in overtime. I guess I could say I was happy because they didn’t lose, but really, a tie?

Then came the Bears, looking solid, actually winning, but then collapsing in what is becoming typical Bears fashion.

So, my first week of football ended up with two losses. Crap. I suppose there is always week two.

If you are ready for some football, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

My Labor Day Weekend

Yea, I know Labor Day has come and gone, but my first assignment for grade school this year was “What I did over my Labor Day Weekend.”

Craftsman riding lawn mower with Briggs & Stratton engine
My 20+ year old riding lawn mower. “The Beast”

So, here it is, come along for a ride on “The Beast” around our yard, and watch me mow the lawn and sing!

If you like grass, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!