Back in My Own Car

Do you drive your significant other’s car? I had my wife’s car for a few days.

This is not my own car, yet.Hers needed some service, and with the dealer within walking distance of me it was an obvious swap. It’s not that I don’t like her car, in fact it is probably more technologically advanced. It’s just not mine.

With her car fixed, today I was back in my vehicle, which was nice.

If you want to hear more songs about cars, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Grocery List

Do you use a list at the grocery store?

I do, and it’s a good thing because I needed inspiration for today’s song, All I had to do was look at the last text my wife sent me, and out came today’s song. Oddly I missed singing about the avocado, but then again, I’ve already done that.

If you want to know more foods I eat, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Super Duper Drivers Wanted

What is more fun to say, “Super,” or “Super duper?”

There are songs I sing for my wife that I’m sure she is just scratching her head while watching and listening.

This is one of those songs.

Following my texting the song to her I quickly received, “Ummm…why?” So, I explained: On my drive this morning there was a truck from the Super Truck Line, or something like that, and on the back was a sticker, “Super Drivers Wanted.” As I believe “Super Duper” is more fun to say, and to sing, “Super Duper Drivers Wanted” it was!

If you want more Super Duper Dorky Songs, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Only My Butt is Cold

Does your pet lie in the sun?

This morning it appears Milo was half warm and half cold as he took a spot by the window, in the sun, sort of. There are times I wish he could talk, and I’m sure he would make fun of my singing, but happily he hung out halfway in the sun to inspire my song.

Want more songs about lying in the sun? Subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

I Wish You Were Here With Us

Ahh, another day off of work, but Milo and I were lonely so we took a walk, and dog’s do what they dooty while on a walk!

While at the park, and as I was walking him, or rather he was walking me, I wished my wife was with us to experience the park, and experience Milo, so I sang, again. Our excitement hits at 1:43 during the song. Enjoy.

I can’t promise any more doggy excitement in my songs, but just in case you might want to subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

The Last Donuts of My Forties

Do you like donuts? I obviously do.

I'm enjoying the last donuts of my forties.I’m also beginning to embrace the fact that my forties are over, and on this, the last day of my forties, I’m celebrating everything that will be the last thing of my forties. This morning there was my shower, my breakfast, and my last trip to Kuppie’s Bakery in Villa Park, IL, for donuts. At least the last trip while in my forties.

I was dreading it, but now I’m actually looking for what my fifties will bring, especially if it might be more donuts.

If you would like to hear songs about donuts when I’m in my fifties, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

The Most Wonderful Month of the Year is Here!

What’s your most wonderful month? For me it’s May, at least I think so today.

I will admit, this song is kind of lame, especially for celebrating the most wonderful month of the year. It is May, however, the most wonderful month as it’s the month I was born, the month my wife was born, and the month my wife and I reconnected after not seeing each other for over 20 years. Sure, there are tons of other reasons May is wonderful, but the song can only be so long.

If you want to find out what month I think is wonderful next time be sure and subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Is It a Sea or Cloud of Lilacs?

What flower has your favorite smell? Is it lilacs? Leave your favorite in the comments!

Me, I love the smell of lilacs. Thanks to those flowers in our backyard it’s a weekend, bonus Song by Andy! I’m back on the Sears riding lawn mower, it’s not a car, and our lilacs are in full bloom. It smells wonderful and makes lawn-mowing a lot more fun!

My songs don’t have a smell, but they might make you smile or laugh, so go ahead and subscribe to my YouTube channel and “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

A panorama of my lilacs.

I Like to Spin Around Before I Eat

Milo is awesome.

It is always entertaining when we feed Milo because he is super-excited and spins around. He spins around to greet us when we come home, too, but maybe that’s because he really just sees us as a giant piece of meat and wants to eat us. Oh well.

You don’t have to spin around to see get dorky songs! All you need to do is subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Ode to the Dandelion

Sure, the dandelion can be the menace in your lawn, but what about when they annoyingly pop up between the concrete and a wall. Maybe you like the dandelion, possibly using it to make a wish, but tons of homeowners hate them, do everything they can to eradicate them, to no avail.

I can’t help you eradicate your dandelions, but silly songs may help your misery, so subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!