Why All the Red Lights?

Let me know how your drive was this morning, because mine was crappy.

I think I’m blaming the bike rider. He messed up the light schedule this morning on my drive by tripping the walk sign in the opposite direction, thus causing me to have to sit at that intersection an extra 30 seconds, thus causing my drive not to be in sync with the standard red light/green light schedule. Suddenly it’s red light after red light, and I’m getting impatient. At least there wasn’t a train!

If you want nothing but green lights, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

There’s a Train

Pop quiz: How many cars are part of this train? Go ahead, it won’t take that long?

I remember when I was younger I was always excited when we were stopped by a train because I would get to count how many cars were a part of it. This time I figured I would be singing an opus of a song about being stopped by the train. So much for my opus.

The train on the way to work!If you like songs that are not opus in length subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Why My Diet is Ruined

It wasn’t supposed to come back. No one in the store thought it would come back. But it’s back.

Yes, yesterday, while ordering my iced tea, I saw it, out of the corner of my eye, the Cookie Butter Bar in the case at Starbucks. You may remember my saga of the tasty treat being missing, and I even sang about it with the masterpiece Cookie Butter Bar Blues, but The I'm Weak emoji to signify your diet is ruined.now that I’m trying to be committed to losing weight before the summer, the last thing I needed to see was the most fabulous “Spring Seasonal Favorite” back for the end of spring. Luckily I’ve been strong, but eventually I know I’m going to be weak again.

If you want to stay up to date on the status of the Cookie Butter Bar, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

I Gave Up My Donut for God

Did you give anything up for Good Friday? I gave up my donut for God.

Okay, it was really donuts, and I kind of gave up my donuts for God, but I also gave them up because my waistline told me to. I’ve been eating a few too many donuts lately, along with a few too much of just food in general, so it’s time to get fit for summer. Maybe it’s time for some extra exercise to compensate for the donuts?

I already miss my Friday donuts.

If you want your daily fill of donut songs, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Taking Out the Garbage in the Rain

I learned today that it isn’t the easiest thing to do to roll out my garbage can, record me rolling out my garbage can, and sing while I’m rolling out my garbage can while recording me rolling out my garbage can all at the same time. There was almost a garbage failure, but thankfully, with my shear strength and will, the garbage stayed in its place, safe and secure in its big, blue, plastic container, sheltered from the rain, unlike me.

If you want to feel like you’re safe and secure in a big, blue, plastic container, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

They’d Be In Love Soon

My iPhone has been acting funky lately. What does that have to do with this song? Well, the first version started out as a nice, country song, about a dude in a bar finding a dudette. Then my phone stopped recording, and I had to try to remember the song.

I ended up with this. My wife wonders what is going on in my head, and this song is kind of it.

If you want to know more of what is going on inside of my head subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Just One Puffy Cloud

I looked up at the sky today and there was one, giant cloud, just kind of hovering over me. I changed the dreariness of the dark, giant cloud into a nicer thing, a puffy cloud, that might look like a chicken or a dinosaur.

Look at the sky and let me know what the clouds by you look like.

If you want something white and puffy every day, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

The First Lawn Mowing of the Season

After last week’s successful test of the lawnmower, and with all of the rain we recently had, it was time to give the mower the full test. Yup, it was the first lawn mowing of the season, and you get to ride along for a bit of it!

You can ride along with my silly songs any time if you subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

On a Windy Day

Strong winds abound today in the Windy City of Chicago, and I couldn’t help but think about everything that was getting blown around. Happily my helmet head of hair was unfazed, so far.

If you don’t want to be blown around, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

It’s Only $%^&in’ Wednesday

I woke up and “willed” it to be Friday, but no luck, it’s still $%^&in’ Wednesday. Yes, it’s one of those weeks that I just want to be over already.

If you want to “will” a Friday, try and subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!