Wednesday is a Crappy Day for a Holiday

American Flag

I believe I might run for President in 2020. My platform: We shall now celebrate Independence Day on the first Monday of July.

Why? I decree that Wednesday sucks for a holiday. Monday and Tuesday feel like you are heading to a weekend, you get a day off that you can’t really enjoy, and then you are back at work not knowing what day of the week it is.

Sure, I know it’s technically the “4th of July,” but let’s just change the name to Independence Day. And why Monday and not Friday? It’s mental, at least for me. Having Friday off is nice, you have that “We have a long weekend!” feeling, but there is nothing better than waking up on Monday morning, after a weekend, and saying “Yay! I don’t have to go to work today!”

Better yet, let’s make Independence Day a Tuesday. It can be like Thanksgiving, giving us a four day weekend, but different!

So, vote for me for President in 2020, and Independence Day will never be a crappy day for a holiday again!


Begin the “Vote for Andy” movement now, and subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Dear Dental Assistant,

There’s a comedy bit by Bill Cosby about going to the dentist that I always found funny. Sadly, he’s not funny any longer, but when I was getting a crown the other day at the dentist’s office, I couldn’t help but think about the bit, and wonder why dental people try to have in-depth conversations with you when they have their hands in you mouth. What is there to do but sing about it!

If you have dental work, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

He Needed Shampoo

I love our dog. He’s doggie litter box trained so we don’t have to go outside in crappy weather, and he’s also a lot of inspiration for my songs.

Also inspiration for my songs is my wife, who left me a text about the needs of our dog, resulting in this little ditty.

If you like clean hair, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Tossing and Turning Like a Leaf

Thunderstorms at night, and a summer cold, do not make Andy a happy sleeper. As I struggle with my lack of sleep, and my Apple Watch telling me I’m getting a crappy night’s sleep, any suggestions for better sleep are always welcome.

The lawn is happy, but I’m not, although lack of sleep doesn’t stop me from singing!

If you like sleep, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Yay, Spring!

“Grab a trumpet, and trumpet like a horner!”

Spring is here!Yes, nowhere but at Songs by Andy are you going to get lyrics like that! I was so excited by the coming of Spring that I completely lost my mind, or rhymes, or lyrics, so watch out for mice and those crazy horners!

If Spring excites you go ahead and give a thumbs up, make some comments, and share with your friends. And you if you trumpet like a horner you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Turns Out I’m Irish!

I wasn’t planning on a weekend, bonus song, but now that I’ve discovered I’m part Irish, and not all Polish, I couldn’t resist!

Yup, I took one of those DNA tests and turns out part of my ancestry is Irish. For today I’ll ignore the French and German, because, well, I’m posting this song on St. Patrick’s Day. So, happy Erin Go Bragh-less, or something like that, don’t forget your bangers and mash, and go pray and not drink green beer because, well, it is actually a religious holiday.

Oh, heck, go drink green beer, too! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Get a few songs new songs a week! They only take about a minute of your time and might make you smile! Subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Some Love Songs?

Yea, I might have to up my singing game as lately the love songs to my wife have been, well, less than stellar.

She rightly let me know my work isn’t up to my high standards, so expect a much better song for an upcoming “Love Song Thursday” than this batch of “I don’t know what the heck these are” songs.

If you like bad love songs you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Golden Face

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and that the sun shines on your face! My face was kinda golden, and as I’ll sing a song about anything at times, why not one about my golden face?

If you dream of golden weekends, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Stop Hello-ing, Start Ahoy-ing!

I’ll start right off the bat by thanking Ethernet inventor Bob Metcalfe for the inspiration for this song, and my nephew Mike Krupp, Jr. for the awesome hat artwork.

Why should we stop saying “Hello” and start saying “Ahoy?” Mostly because I think “Ahoy!” just sound a hell of a lot more fun.

While listening to Tim Ferriss chat with Bob Metcalfe on Tim’s podcast, Bob mentioned his salutation of choice was “Ahoy!” I found this awesome, but other than for this song, I haven’t had the self-confidence to break with the “Hello” norm.

I promise I’ll give “Ahoy!” a try if you will! Let me know how it goes!

For more songs that give you ideas for a fun day, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Sing a Song From Down Here

In the words of my wife, “Silly!”

Yup, it was a day of not really knowing what to sing about, so I moved my phone to a different spot, and “Bamn!”, a song wondering if I should change the perspective of me while I sing.

If you look better from below you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!