The Most Wonderful Month of the Year is Here!

What’s your most wonderful month? For me it’s May, at least I think so today.

I will admit, this song is kind of lame, especially for celebrating the most wonderful month of the year. It is May, however, the most wonderful month as it’s the month I was born, the month my wife was born, and the month my wife and I reconnected after not seeing each other for over 20 years. Sure, there are tons of other reasons May is wonderful, but the song can only be so long.

If you want to find out what month I think is wonderful next time be sure and subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Is It a Sea or Cloud of Lilacs?

What flower has your favorite smell? Is it lilacs? Leave your favorite in the comments!

Me, I love the smell of lilacs. Thanks to those flowers in our backyard it’s a weekend, bonus Song by Andy! I’m back on the Sears riding lawn mower, it’s not a car, and our lilacs are in full bloom. It smells wonderful and makes lawn-mowing a lot more fun!

My songs don’t have a smell, but they might make you smile or laugh, so go ahead and subscribe to my YouTube channel and “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

A panorama of my lilacs.

I Like to Spin Around Before I Eat

Milo is awesome.

It is always entertaining when we feed Milo because he is super-excited and spins around. He spins around to greet us when we come home, too, but maybe that’s because he really just sees us as a giant piece of meat and wants to eat us. Oh well.

You don’t have to spin around to see get dorky songs! All you need to do is subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

80,000 Miles

Milestones happen every day. I hit one today.

80,000 miles on my car.Yup, my car hit 80,000.00 miles. Fine, I know that’s not as exciting as something like 100,000.00, or 50,000.00, but I always get excited when I see the odometer with a number followed by all zeros. Do you? How many miles does your car have?

This song is actually two songs as my old memory is failing, and I forgot that this car didn’t make a certain trip for barbecue and ice cream, it was my other car, so enjoy my car confusion!

I may not have 80,000 songs, but there are a lot, and you can find them all if you subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Being a Bear

Did you ever dream of being a bear?

I know someone near and dear to me who had a dream that included a bear. I wasn’t the bear, but the bear did maul someone, and somehow it was my fault. I thought about it and decided that if I were a bear I would probably be the kind that jumps around, like at the circus or in the cartoons. I’d be a fun bear.

If you’d like more songs about bears, dogs, flowers, and love, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Ode to the Dandelion

Sure, the dandelion can be the menace in your lawn, but what about when they annoyingly pop up between the concrete and a wall. Maybe you like the dandelion, possibly using it to make a wish, but tons of homeowners hate them, do everything they can to eradicate them, to no avail.

I can’t help you eradicate your dandelions, but silly songs may help your misery, so subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

At the Arboretum With You

Have you been able to enjoy Spring yet?

Blooming tree from the inside.My wife and I finally busted out of our Winter hibernation with a lovely walk at The Morton Arboretum. We got to see blooming flowers in the Daffodil Glade, and the flowering trees in the, well, Flowering Trees field were in, well, full flowering! It was a perfect Sunday!

I probably should have recorded our commentary instead of making this song, especially as we have some unique descriptions of things we see there, like this hairy looking thing in the picture. What do you think it looks like?

A Tree Testicle?I also should have eavesdropped on some of the people walking by a little more diligently, especially as one gentleman seemed to be explained to someone how the youth of today are fat.

If you would like a perfect every day, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

I Hope You Have a Wonderful Friday

For my song to my wife this morning, I just wanted to wish her a wonderful Friday, so I did.

I hope you have a wonderful Friday as well, although I don’t necessarily want to be spending it with you, well, maybe except in song.

If you want to spend time with me daily, at least in song, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Why All the Red Lights?

Let me know how your drive was this morning, because mine was crappy.

I think I’m blaming the bike rider. He messed up the light schedule this morning on my drive by tripping the walk sign in the opposite direction, thus causing me to have to sit at that intersection an extra 30 seconds, thus causing my drive not to be in sync with the standard red light/green light schedule. Suddenly it’s red light after red light, and I’m getting impatient. At least there wasn’t a train!

If you want nothing but green lights, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

There’s a Train

Pop quiz: How many cars are part of this train? Go ahead, it won’t take that long?

I remember when I was younger I was always excited when we were stopped by a train because I would get to count how many cars were a part of it. This time I figured I would be singing an opus of a song about being stopped by the train. So much for my opus.

The train on the way to work!If you like songs that are not opus in length subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!