Every Day Say, “I Love You”

This song was a request from my wife.

I said, “You didn’t appear to like my Christmas song yesterday. What do you want me to sing about.” She said, “Sing me a love song.”

This is what I came up with this time.

If you want songs about Christmas and love, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Here Comes Christmas, Right Around the Corner

Halloween is over! You know what that means? It’s time to get ready for the next, great holiday.

Yay. Christmas.No, not Thanksgiving. Who really cares about that one except we get an extra long weekend?

Nope, Christmas is right around the corner! So get out the tree, start the list for presents, and think about how fat you are going to get between now and then! It’s the most glorious time of the year! Enjoy!

If you want Christmas every day, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

All You Want is Soup

My wife made butternut squash soup the other day, and it was yummy.

It was nice because I’ve been coming off a cold lately, most likely thanks to some dude on a plane, and it just made me think that some days, all you want is soup.

If you like soup, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook! It’s like a yummy bowl of soup almost every day.

Are You Ready for Halloween?

Halloween is here, and I am sorely ill-prepared.

Ready for HalloweenPart of the problem is I have no idea what to do any longer. My day job doesn’t have people dress up for Halloween, so I don’t have a costume. Compounding this is the fact that we never have a lot of kids come by the house trick or treating. I always buy bags of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, only to eat them all in one sitting in a depression of loserdome that no one comes by our house.

Okay, I really don’t eat all of the bags at one sitting, but really, a man should not have three bags of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups in the house if he wants to lose weight.

Maybe we should just go out for dinner and miss all of Halloween. No candy, no costume, and not feeling like a loser for having no kids come to the door. Could be a plan.

If you don’t want to feel like a loser, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

A Blustery Friday

As the cold of winter begins its angry descent into Chicagoland, it’s time to get ready for the blustery days that harken the arrival of truly crappy weather.

I’m not going to let a blustery, fall day get me down, though! Happy Friday, everyone! Enjoy your weekend and remember, behind the clouds resides the sun. It’s always there to brighten your day, if only in your mind.

If you want more songs to get you through blustery days, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Thank God It’s Wednesday

Every now and then, after I record one of these for my wife, I feel like I may have completely lost my mind. This is one of those songs.

It started when my wife mentioned, this morning, that it was Wednesday, Hump Day as it would be, and I mentioned how it was so nice, while we were on vacation, that we didn’t have to really keep track of what day it was.

This song will help you if you need to know the days of the week.

If you need help knowing what day it is, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

It’s a Rainy Tuesday

Rainy Tuesdays are almost as crappy as rainy Mondays. About the only thing to hope for is that the rain will be gone by the weekend.

If you want to be reminded about rain and sunshine, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Can You Believe It’s Friday? Woo!

Have you given your Friday cheer yet! Go ahead, let it out! You know you want to!

Give a cheer!Yes, it’s another Friday, and, at first, I wasn’t that excited, but after I gave my “Friday cheer” I was ready to go. If you aren’t into that Friday spirit go on, give a cheer, no matter where you are right now. You’ll be instantly transformed into Friday goodness, or people will look at you funny.

If you want to cheer all of the time for no reason, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

I Might Just Sing About…

I thought, for today, as I couldn’t think of anything to sing about, that I would sing about what I sing about when I can’t think of anything to sing about. Enjoy!

If you want to hear more things I sing about when I can’t think of things to sing about, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

My Bread Has Got a Hole in It

Making breakfast was fun this morning.

Yup, as I was putting together my eggs, Canadian bacon, and slice of bread with butter, I noticed that there was a hole in my bread. I had holy bread!

Not wanting to let a good time go to waste, it was time to sing!

For more holy songs, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!