80,000 Miles

Milestones happen every day. I hit one back in 2017.

Yup, my car hit 80,000 miles. Fine, I know that’s not as exciting as something like 100,000, or 50,000, but I always get excited when I see the odometer with a number followed by all zeros. Do you?

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – April 27, 2017

If you like number with a lot of zeros after it then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Mow Some Grass

Before we moved one of the weird things I enjoyed was hopping on “The Beast,” which is what I called our old Sears riding lawnmower, and cruising around the yard mowing the lawn.

Sometimes, like this time, I would sing. I never knew if the neighbors could hear me over the roar of the mower!

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – April 20, 2019

If you like the smell of fresh cut grass then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Empty Costco

There is a new Costco in Naperville, Illinois. It was closer than the Costco we had normally been going to, but with its location, and it being new, I thought it would be packed, especially on a Saturday morning.

The place was practically empty, at least by Costco standards.

It was great, well, except maybe for the Costco people.

I know I shouldn’t ruin a good thing for those of us who like an empty Costco by letting people know there is a fairly empty Costco for your shopping pleasure in Naperville, Illinois, but damn, it was nice, especially that new shopping cart smell!

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – October 1, 2021

If you like Costco then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Glorious Friday

This is simply an ode to the best day of the week for many.

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – April 8, 2016

If you like Friday songs then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Singing Inhibited

It was a work-from-home day, and since we moved we have neighbors who are walls and floors away instead of a yard away.

I felt a little inhibited with my singing. I’m thinking next time I might just let the singing fly, neighbor’s ears be damned!

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – September 30, 2021

If you have noisy neighbors then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Summer Colds Suck

Back in 2019, I got one of the worst things you can get in the summertime, a cold. Funny, I haven’t really gotten a cold since COVID hit. Anyway…

Yup, that cold started with the tickle in my throat, then a nose that was dripping like a leaky faucet, then the cough and stuffiness showed up, and then I was left with the lingering cough that would stick around for a week or so.

It sucked because, of course, it was during one of the nicest weeks of the summer.

Here’s hoping your summer was sickness free.

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – September 26, 2019

If you hate summer colds then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Something We Can All Agree On

We all see it, the decisiveness in the world right now.

It seems no one can agree on anything, you either are on one side or the other, or that’s at least the way it seems.

Why can’t we call get along?

Well, there is one thing we can all agree on. Okay, maybe not all of us, there are probably a few people who like Monday, but I think I found something we should all rally behind!

Originally posted on my YouTube channel –September 24, 2021

If you like Friday then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Big Splotch of Bird Poop

Oh, crap!

Yup, there it was, maybe the biggest splatter of bird poop I had ever seen, and it happened to be on my windshield. The problem? It occurred early in the day so by the time I got to my car it was baked and seemingly glued to the windshield as well.

It was stuck there for days as I had a full tank of gas and wouldn’t be at the gas station for days. At least the poop wasn’t directly in my view!

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – July 11, 2017

If you have ever been pooped on then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Frankfurter? Hot Dog? Wiener?

The word “Frankfurt” came up, and I thought “Hot dog!”

Then I had to confirm a frankfurter was just a hot dog, then I thought of how we call a hot dog, “Wiener.”

There are many ways to describe meat stuffed in a casing, and each of them can be fun to say! And yes, in the video, I realize I spelled wiener incorrectly.

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – September 21, 2021

If you like wieners then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Here Comes May

Yea, I know this makes no sense posting it in the beginning of October, but the song was originally launched on my YouTube channel in April of 2020.

You might remember April of 2020, it kind of sucked, so I was looking forward to May, even though, really, May just ended up being a repeat of April.

Okay, as October arrives, I have the same hope as I did back then. Sadly October will probably be as crappy as September.

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – April 28, 2020

If you like the month of May you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!