Some Days

Maybe not my best song, but it’s just one of those days, and one of those songs.

Some days you should dress like a pirate!

Go ahead, sit on a couch, maybe see a mouse, or just go, go, go! Whatever you do, it will also be more fun with a hat, especially if it makes you look kind of like a pirate.

All pirates should subscribe to my YouTube channl or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Squishy Nose and Sausage Fingers

Years ago, after a “flipping off” of my niece, I was told that I have sausage fingers.

I have a squishy nose and sausage fingers, or at least so I am told.

Yup, short, stubby fingers appeare to be my curse. Then my wife pointed out that I had a squishy nose. Yes, I am cursed with fingers like sausages and a nose that isn’t very solid.

People with strange body parts are encouraged to subscribe to my YouTube channl or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

I Should Have Worn My Crappy Shoes

My wife is smart, and at times I should listen to her.

I should have listened to my wife and worn my crappy shoes.

On this morning we had some crappy weather overnight, and my wife mentioned I should either wear my boots and take my nicer shoes to change into, or I should wear my more outdoorsy shoes.

I didn’t listen to her.

Yup, there I was trudging through the yucky parking lot in my nice shoes. I should have listened to my wife.

If you like shoes, please subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Another Facebook Birthday. Ugh!

I wonder how to handle all of the Facebook birthday notices.

All I know is I’m glad I don’t have that many friends on Facebook sometimes. I see people with thousands of friends, or even hundreds of friends, and I wonder how they handle all of the birthday notices.

Seriously, am I supposed to wish every one of my friends a happy birthday? Thankfully I’ve only got a hundred or so friends on Facebook (not the page, that one needs more people liking it!), and I know most of those folks, but those of you with a thousand or more, do you just give up?

In any case, happy birthday to all of you, whenever you have a birthday!

subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

I Left Something at Home

Milo is happy I left something at home.

Driving to work, about three minutes out, I realized I left something I needed for the day back at home.


Yup, it was time to turn the car around, run in the door, and get said thing. Milo was already done with his first Kong, and had that look of “Yay! You’re home!”

Sadly I had to leave, again.

So that our boy would feel better, he lucked out with Kong #2.

To this day I love the way our Coton de Tulear spins around when food is coming his way. Maybe I should start doing that?!?!

If you leave something at home, maybe subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Licorice and Beer

Licorice and Beer

Every few months I go on a fast. It’s not too bad, and some of the health benefits have been great for me. They recommend gently coming off of a fast, and usually, that’s the case for a couple of days, but this time I couldn’t take it, I had licorice, and I had beer.

This is not a great recommendation for those of you who might be coming off of a fast, but it worked for me this time. Next time I’ll try to be a little more stable in my choice of foods, but then I wouldn’t have this song!

If you eat enough licorice, or drink enough beer, you might surprise yourself and subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Nice Hair!

Windy day = nice hair!

Yes, some days I think I have lost my mind when I try to come up with a song. This is one of those days. I have weird facial expressions, my lips are all over the place, and I am generally frazzled. Oh well, it went along with the windy day!

If you have nice hair you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Santa Couldn’t Take It Anymore

Merry Christmas!

Santa would need sunglasses to deliver in the day.

As I was wearing my festive, Christmas tie with Santa wearing sunglasses, it occurred to me how much different things would be if Santa just showed up in the day.

No more parents having to stay up all night, no more worrying about Santa getting stuck in the chimney, no more kids waking up at 4AM to see if Santa came. Things could be so much calmer, and Santa would also get to wear sunglasses, like on my tie.

Oh well, I guess that would take some of the allure out of Christmas morning if Santa showed up in the afternoon, but, wouldn’t it be easier for everyone involved?

I guess I’ll run this by Santa the next time I see him.

With Christmas over, you should make a New Year’s Resolution for more dorkiness! To get it, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

I Don’t Want “Throwback Thursday,” Give Me “Thrippy Thursday!”

Thrippy Thursday Instead of Throwback ThursdayI was pondering the adjectives and nicknames we give to certain days. You’ve got your “hump day” for Wednesday, and “Two-fer” Tuesdays, but I couldn’t come up with anything for Thursday.

Sure, there’s the whole “Throwback Thursday” things, but then “Thrippy” blew out of my mouth.

I’m not sure what “Thrippy” is, but what the heck, from now on it’s Thrippy Thursday! Whoa!

Share the thrippiness and subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Do You Have Your Hat, Gloves, and Winter Coat?

It was a cold November here near Chicago. At the time I sang this song I believe I was losing my mind, and that is not a good sign for me if the winter is going to continue this way.

I’m not really ready for winter, but what choice do I have?

I'm missing my hat.
I’m not ready for winter. I’m missing my hat.

If you aren’t ready for winter, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!