The Weather Can Be a Tease

Spring weather is a tease!

Spring weather can be so wacky.

One day the weather can be great, the next day back to a deep freeze, then you get a rainstorm, and finally a beautiful day.

Weather is such a tease.

If you like teases of songs, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

The Best Day of the Week is Hump Day

I was thinking the other day, as I am wont to do. “What is the best day of the week?


I decided that Wednesday, a.k.a. Hump Day, is the best day, for details I give in my song.

What is your favorite day of the week?

If Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday are your favorites days of the week, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Taking Out the Trash Darkness

I had a “darkness week” theme on my YouTube channel the week after the change to Daylight Saving Time.

Racoon in the dark.

What better way to end the darkness then by taking out the trash.

I was a bit worried about creatures lurking in the dark, but happily the garbage taking out was uneventful.

If you like the darkness, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

I Wish My Shower Were Like a Car Wash

Car wash.

The other morning I was in a bit of a hurry, but, as I was stinky, needed a shower. Okay, fine, I wasn’t that stinky, but still needed a shower.

Also in the back of my head was the fact that my car needed a car wash.

As I stepped in the shower I thought of the time it was going to take, to get the soap, lather up the bath puff, soap up, rinse off, wash my hair, rinse my hair, and do a spot free rinse.

Then I thought, “Why hasn’t man invented a shower that’s like a car wash.” Then I thought, “This would make a fun song.”

Yup, song inspirations come from everywhere!

If you like to be clean you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Chicken Strips with Mac and Cheese

Chicken Strips with Mac and Cheese

The question of what should we have for dinner came up, and it was decided we should go back to our childhood. Yup, chicken strips baked in an oven and mac and cheese.

Sure, the product choices are supposed to be a bit healthier, but really, it’s just chicken strips and macaroni and cheese.

You may notice there are no vegetables. That is correct, I made dinner. I really went back to my childhood!

If you ever revisit your childhood you should also subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Why Am I So Tired and Grumpy? It’s Milo!

Milo likes his braunschweiger!

Our dog, Milo, has his schedule. Okay, actually I influence his schedule by waking up at 3:30 AM, and for years have trained him that he gets his morning pill, and more importantly to him, some liverwurst, with said pill.

Now, as Milo is getting older, he wants his morning pill, and is deciding that sleeping in, at least for us, is not an option. Usually, this isn’t a problem because I’m getting up early anyway, but if we go to bed late, and plan on a later alarm, there is really no chance as our Milo alarm clock says, “I want my pill!”

It’s a good thing Milo is so darn cute!

If you like cute pets, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Ah, Geez

Songs By Andy

My last words on a text to my wife were, “Geez.”

When I looked at my phone to sing her the song in the morning I saw, “Geez,” and wondered if I could turn it into a song.

Of course I could! Somehow I turned “Geez” into a song about planting flowers. My mind is a weird bundle of thoughts.

Geez, I wish you would subscribe to my YouTube channl or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Turn Up or Turnip?

I know, I’m weird.

What does a turkey have to do with a turnip?

The other day I started saying, “Turn up, turn up, turn up!” And then I thought of a turnip. Suddenly a song was born, when “Turn up” turns into “turnip.”

Listen to the song, maybe even twice, and then the next time you say something like “turn up” or “turn it up,” I’m guessing you will instantly think of a turnip.

Thank me now!

If you like to turn it up, subscribe to my YouTube channl or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Milo Doesn’t Mind a Polar Vortex

Milo, our dog, likes his litter box!

We had a polar vortex weather system come through, and in our family, there is one member that doesn’t give a crap, literally, about the extreme cold weather.

That member of the family is our dog, Milo.

Milo is doggie litter boxed trained. Yes, there is such a thing as a doggie litter box, and Milo was trained to use it early in his life. Thank you, SecondNature!

I have to admit, though, that I don’t know who is more happy that our dog doesn’t have to go outside to do his doody when the weather is crappy, me, or Milo!

If you like dogs, subscribe to my YouTube channl or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

I Like Fancy Dining

Fancy food can be fun!

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good dive restaurant. I’ll bypass what might look like roaches on the wall, a dirty bathroom, but if that sandwich is tasty, “special sauce” might just be the key. However, I have also become somewhat food spoiled.

Here, in the Chicago area, I have dined at fantastic restaurants like Alinea, Next, Momotaro, Girl and The Goat, Schwa, Smyth and The Loyalist, and many more. I like to separate the flavors, add them all together in one bite, and enjoy a glass of wine that pairs perfectly with the meal.

Yes, I like fancy dining. I also like a good funeral hot dog, although I hate the fact that it’s at a funeral. Is that so wrong?

If you like any kind of dining, subscribe to my YouTube channl or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!