
Originally posted on my YouTube channel – June 30, 2020
For the most recent songs head to
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My wife makes the best pancakes.

Oddly enough they don’t have buttermilk, but dang, they are tasty!

If you like pancakes then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Ignore That Last Tweet

Originally posted on my YouTube channel –August 15, 2017
For the most recent songs head to
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For a brief moment the folks in the Twitterverse had a tweet from me that wasn’t meant for the public.

My sister texted me, and as I was driving I did the hands-free things, asked Siri to read her text, and then, probably my error because Siri never makes a mistake, but somehow my reply back to my sister ended up on my Twitter feed at @aplabis instead of as a text message back to her.

Lucky for me, but less entertaining for my followers (Hey, why aren’t you following me on Twitter?), it wasn’t anything racy, didn’t mention hate groups or Donald Trump, but was simply “We are still thinking about it, why don’t you try to remember to call me tonight, because I’ll probably forget to try to call you.”

About the only thing my followers in Twitter gained from it was that I’m not that great at returning calls. The tweet is gone, but the song lives on, although I’m sure that in some weird Twitter archive it might still be there.

If you made a bad tweet then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

There’s a Train

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – April 17, 2019
For the most recent songs head to
👉 Songs By Andy on YouTube! 👈

Did you ever count how many cars make up the train blocking your way?

I really thought I would have more time to record my “train” song. I remember when I was younger I would count the cars. I believe I would have had no problem counting the cars on this train.

you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Friday is Here!

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – September 23, 2016
For the most recent songs head to
👉 Songs By Andy on YouTube! 👈

It’s Friday!

Yahoo! Woohoo! And all that jazz!

If you like Friday then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

He Left His Hard Hat at Home

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – February 4, 2020
For the most recent songs head to
👉 Songs By Andy on YouTube! 👈

I saw a guy with a hard hat working, and I wondered if he was happy doing the job he was doing.

Then I imagined him not being happy, going for a drive, and figuring out his life.

Sometimes you have to put the hard hat down.

If you have ever worn a hard hat then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Every Day is Just a Day

Originally posted on my YouTube channel –April 17, 2020
For the most recent songs head to
👉 Songs By Andy on YouTube! 👈

Some days you are happy, some days sad.

The thing is that every day will pass leaving you with a brand new day. We can all get through every day just remembering it is just a day.

If you have had a day then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Lightning Strike

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – May 2, 2016
For the most recent songs head to
👉 Songs By Andy on YouTube! 👈

The payoff for this song, which is actually a love song, comes near the end. Wait for it.

Okay, it’s a lightning strike. Watch the song, anyway.

If you like lightning, or love, then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Turn the Volume Down

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – August 14, 2020
For the most recent songs head to
👉 Songs By Andy on YouTube! 👈

This week my suggestion to all of you is to calm down just a bit.

Take a breath, relax, turn your own volume down. Yes, there might be reasons to run at 100%, 110%, or 120%, but sometimes it’s a good thing to run at about 10%. Let yourself be “volume down” this week.

If you run at 110you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Get Excited for Christmas

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – December 23, 2020
For the most recent songs head to
👉 Songs By Andy on YouTube! 👈

This song is from 2020, a year it was tough getting excited for Christmas. Me, I’d been trying, and we even bought a light-up snowman for the yard, but that didn’t help.

So, in trying to get excited, I listened to “The Christmas Song” on a loop all day. Yup, the Nat King Cole song came out my speakers some 200 times thanks to the Christmas song challenge the TV station WGN in Chicago was having. Did it get me in the Christmas spirit? Yup, a little bit, but here’s hoping my song might help you a bit if you need it!

If you need help getting excited for Christmas then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Let’s See What Milo Does

Originally posted on my YouTube channel – July 6, 2018
For the most recent songs head to
👉 Songs By Andy on YouTube! 👈

Going for a morning walk the other day with Milo, we came upon a bunch of rabbits just hanging out, munching the foliage, and I think one was on the curb waiting for an Uber or something.

It’s always curious how Milo reacts, although I was fairly certain his direction this morning. Watch the video and see if Milo gets an early breakfast of rabbit!

If you like dogs then you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!