Yup, this song is from the archives, so the days don’t make sense, but enjoy it anyway!
Did Labor Day mess you up on what day it was?
For me Thursday was very confusing, and I was kind of bummed. I wanted it to be garbage day, but it wasn’t, and the weather couldn’t figure out whether or not it wanted to be sunny or cloudy. The Thursday portion of this song is gloomy.
Then came Friday!
Garbage day shifted to Friday because of the holiday, it was cloudy and I didn’t care, and even though there was extra garbage, now we have super-clean cans for the weekend! Ain’t life faaannnntastic!
Originally posted on my YouTube channel – September 8, 2017
If you get mixed up on what day it is, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!