Don’t get me wrong, I love a good dive restaurant. I’ll bypass what might look like roaches on the wall, a dirty bathroom, but if that sandwich is tasty, “special sauce” might just be the key. However, I have also become somewhat food spoiled.
Here, in the Chicago area, I have dined at fantastic restaurants like Alinea, Next, Momotaro, Girl and The Goat, Schwa, Smyth and The Loyalist, and many more. I like to separate the flavors, add them all together in one bite, and enjoy a glass of wine that pairs perfectly with the meal.
Yes, I like fancy dining. I also like a good funeral hot dog, although I hate the fact that it’s at a funeral. Is that so wrong?
If you like any kind of dining, subscribe to my YouTube channl or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!