I Just Wanna Get Home

Usually, the train stops me on the way to work, which is just an excuse for being late to work. It’s a bummer, though, when the train stops me from getting home. Ugh!

If you are stuck watching a train, kill the time by subscribing to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

The Aliens are Coming

The aliens are coming. The presidential alert will warn you!It took a little while, but I figured out why there is this Presidential Alert test. You know, the alert you get on your phone from the President saying “This is a test of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.” It has nothing to do with disaster preparedness, it has nothing to do with President Trump’s desire for world domination, it only has to do with the fact that the aliens are coming.

Yup, FEMA wants the President to be able to, when the aliens arrive, let us all know beings from another planet have arrived, and he is going to build a wall, or something, to keep them out. Okay, I made the “build a wall” thing up, but he is going to need to be able to tell us we are all doomed.

How did I come up with this hypothesis? Well, it was last month when there was a story about a solar observatory being suddenly evacuated. It made sense to no one to close it, and there was some weird “security threat” story. The FBI came in, there were supposedly helicopters, but no, real answer. Sure, after a week or so there was some crazy “child porn” excuse and denials of aliens, but in all honesty, for me, aliens seemed like a more likely reason.

Combine the story of the solar observatory closing with the NASA Rover, Curiosity, having problems, and weird lights around the International Space Station, and I’ve got the only plausible explanation for the timing of this FEMA/FCC test, allowing the presidential alert, and that is aliens.


So, enjoy the scary alert from President Trump, start building your bunker, and get ready because they are coming.

Before the aliens show up, though, you might want to subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook! for more alien updates, or at least more dorky songs!

Orion the Hunter has Returned

I love the constellation Orion. I also hate the constellation Orion. Also, what does Orion have to do with Australia?

Orion the HunterWell, the song explains the “Australia” part, but it all started the other morning while getting my morning paper (Yes, I actually get a newspaper delivered to my house.), I saw him, in the morning sky. Orion the Hunter was as clear as day, and I decided, “What the hell, let’s try to take a picture of the constellation.”

To my delight the picture came out, but not to my delight is the fact that Orion in the night sky, at least up north, signifies winter.

I’m not ready for winter. 😕

If you like stars, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Somedays Just Stop and Enjoy the Sun Rise

Save this song for future days when you just need to enjoy the sun rise up!

The sun rise over the horizon.Yup, the weekend is here, and maybe you are frantically trying to wrap things up, worried about getting to work, or just need a break. Do yourself a favor and stop and watch the sun rise up over the horizon, or, if it’s cloudy, or dark, or already up, go ahead and just watch my song.

If you like a sunrise, subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

It’s Been A Great Summer

Part of me is like, “Crap, summer’s over,” but the other part of me, looking back, realizes it’s been a pretty damn, great summer.

I hope your summer was memorable, but here comes the fall!

If you like the change of season you can watch me through them all if you subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Look at That Nose

I am still self-conscious about my nose being so red from the Impetigo.

Granted most people don’t seem to care, but in my head, I hear them saying “Dang, that’s a red nose!

Honestly, does it look that bad?

If you want more songs about my ailments, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Relax and Let the Train Go By

Every now and then, on my way to work, I get stopped by a train. I’m always worried it’s going to be a long train, but a lot of times it’s short and doesn’t give me enough time to sing a song about the train.

This results in my needing to add a secondary song about getting stopped on my way to work, as is the case of this song.

Next time you are in a hurry and a train gets in the way, relax, enjoy the rhythm, the fancy artwork, and then be back on your way.

Do you like trains? You should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook because I like to sing about trains!

Dear Dental Assistant,

There’s a comedy bit by Bill Cosby about going to the dentist that I always found funny. Sadly, he’s not funny any longer, but when I was getting a crown the other day at the dentist’s office, I couldn’t help but think about the bit, and wonder why dental people try to have in-depth conversations with you when they have their hands in you mouth. What is there to do but sing about it!

If you have dental work, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

Enjoy the Rain

The other morning it was raining

I’m trying hard to enjoy the rain more, like when you are a little kid and think it’s fun to play in the rain.

I must say it’s tough as an adult to get in the mindset of enjoying rain, though. Thankfully man has come up with a myriad of things, including umbrellas, to enjoy the rain.

subscribe to my YouTube channel or “Like” “Songs By Andy” on Facebook!

When You’re Sittin’ on a Beach

So yesterday I sang about how I’m getting ready to accept the coldness of winter. Yay.

Hapuna Beach. Best beach in the world.
Hapuna Beach is ranked as one of the best beaches in the world. I agree.

Now, this morning I’m reminiscing that a month ago I was getting lots of beach time on our Hawaii vacation, including hanging at Hapuna Beach. Hapuna is rated as one of the best beaches in the world, but in thinking about it, the best beach in the world is really the beach you are on, isn’t it?

I miss the beach. 😕

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