Halloween is here, and I am sorely ill-prepared.
Part of the problem is I have no idea what to do any longer. My day job doesn’t have people dress up for Halloween, so I don’t have a costume. Compounding this is the fact that we never have a lot of kids come by the house trick or treating. I always buy bags of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, only to eat them all in one sitting in a depression of loserdome that no one comes by our house.
Okay, I really don’t eat all of the bags at one sitting, but really, a man should not have three bags of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups in the house if he wants to lose weight.
Maybe we should just go out for dinner and miss all of Halloween. No candy, no costume, and not feeling like a loser for having no kids come to the door. Could be a plan.
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